Webflow apps for
e-commerce stores and websites.

Shopify plugins/apps you wish were there for Webflow.
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Our customers

Our suite of products

HelloBar Icon
Say 'hello' to more leads and conversions with HelloBar - a simple and effective tool for capturing your website visitors' attention.
Coming Soon
Cart recovery Icon
Whatsapp Cart Recovery
Recover lost sales with ease - WhatsApp Cart Recovery sends automatic reminders to customers who abandon their carts on WhatsApp!
Coming Soon
Popups icon
Get more attention and conversions - Popups grab visitors' attention with targeted messages and call to action!
Coming Soon
Show & Tell Icon.
Show & Tell
Let your products speak for themselves - Show & Tell creates stunning product demos to increase sales and customer engagement
Coming Soon
Link In Bio Icon
Link in Bio
Unlock your social media potential = Pre-frame your target audience to buy by adding a one-pager customizable link in your bio that converts.
Coming Soon
Currency convertor Icon
Currency Converter
Convert more sales with ease - Currency Converter simplifies the buying process for your international customers!
Coming Soon
Happy Birthday Icon
Happy Birthday
Celebrate your customers in style - Happy Birthday automates personalized birthday messages to keep your audience engaged!
Coming Soon
Trusted badges Icon
Trusted Badges
Build trust and credibility  - Trusted Badges displays third-party endorsements to make your website stand out!

Product-specific use cases

With Hellobar, you can easily promote your latest product release, sale, or special offer with a targeted, customizable pop-up or sticky bar.
By displaying a compelling call to action that grabs visitors' attention, you can drive conversions and increase sales while improving the user experience of your website.
Plus, with advanced tracking options, you can deliver the right message to the right audience at the right time, optimizing your messaging and improving your conversion rates.
Know more
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Product HelloBar thumbnailComing soon currency convertor.
Currency Convertor
Make shopping easier for your international customers by using a currency converter that displays prices in their local currency.
To provide a seamless shopping experience, you can build trust with your customers and encourage them to purchase.
Additionally, by optimizing your website for international markets, you can reach a broader audience and expand your customer base.
Coming soon
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Trusted Badges
Stand out from the competition and build trust with your customers by displaying trusted badges on your website.
These badges, whether it's a security seal, accreditation, or third-party endorsement, can boost your credibility and differentiate your business from others.
Meeting industry regulations and standards, can help you demonstrate your commitment to quality and improve the overall user experience of your website.
Coming soon
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Teaser graphic featuring a 'Trusted' badge icon, hinting at a new feature or product coming soontrusted badge feature coming soon" image could be "Teaser graphic featuring a 'Trusted' badge icon, hinting at a new feature or product coming soon
Link In Bio
With Link in Bio, you can create a customized one-page template that showcases your products or important information that you want to share with your target audience.
You can pre-frame your target audience to buy by adding a call to action button that redirects them to your website, store, or landing page, thereby increasing conversions.
Coming soon
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Happy Birthday
Show your customers you care by sending them personalized birthday messages and special offers.
Make them feel valued, and improve customer loyalty and retention rates. Automating your birthday marketing campaign can also help you save time and resources while still providing a memorable and personalized experience to your customers.
Coming soon
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"incoming soon" image featuring a yellow cake SVG for a happy birthday wishSVG representing show and tell feature coming soon
Show and Tell
Use Show and Tell, to display the number of people currently viewing each product.
Create a sense of urgency in your customers' minds that encourages customers to make a purchase.
Show and Tell will elevate your product presentation and boost your bottom line.
Coming soon
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Whatsapp Cart Recovery
Recover lost sales and increase revenue by sending automatic reminders and personalized offers to customers who abandon their carts on WhatsApp.
You can improve customer engagement and loyalty by providing a personalized and convenient shopping experience.
Additionally, tracking and analyzing your cart abandonment rates and recovery performance can help optimize your sales funnel and improve your overall online strategy.
Coming soon
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WhatsApp chat window with a cart recovery message, reminding the user of items left in their shopping cart
Pop-up window with a 'Coming Soon' message, teasing a new feature or product
Popups from Tuesday Labs can help you can grab visitors' attention with targeted messages and call-to-action buttons.
This tool collects valuable feedback and builds your mailing list, making it an essential tool for lead generation and increasing conversions.
Say goodbye to annoying, ineffective popups and hello to a smarter, more effective solution.
Coming soon
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svg icon
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svg icon
Currency Convertor
svg icon
Trusted Badges
svg icon
Link In Bio
svg icon
Happy Birthday
svg icon
Show & Tell
svg icon
Whatsapp Cart Recovery
svg icon

Still not sure if our tools will help you achieve the desired results?

Teams behind brands like Tuesday (a professional webflow partner agency) and Wednesday (a highly successful product engineering boutique agency) have built Tuesday Labs.

As part of this family, we have access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise that we bring to every product we build.

By choosing Tuesday Labs, you can trust that you're working with a team that knows how to get the job done.

question mark sticker